Summer Solstice
At the Summer Solstice, all is green and growing,
potential coming into being, the miracle of manifestation
painted large on the canvas of awareness.
-Gary Zukav-
The wind whispers secrets in its own incomprehensible language as the stars sing in the depths of the night inviting our awareness and participation. These words were inspired by my many journeys into the depths of our forests, great lakes and night skies far away from the ambient light of our cities. This week we’ll be experiencing the Summer Solstice which marks the longest day of light in the Northern Hemisphere. For some it’s just another day. For others it’s a special manifestation of the kosmic rhythm of the universe.
I’m using ‘kosmic’ as it includes the inner cosmos of our Being as well as the outer cosmos that extends out into infinity. They are a sacred unity that flow in, out, around and through the multiverse within the universe. There’s an implicit unity in the Kosmos that we’re all a part of while there seems to be an implicit separation when we use the word Cosmos. I’m pointing to the sacred unity of all that’s seen/unseen, visible/invisible, known/not known, here and now.
In this season of soul we call summer, there’s an ever present overlap with the season of winter as it houses the Winter Solstice marking the shortest day of light in the Northern Hemisphere. The two appear to be opposites yet are a sacred unity in their interplay with darkness/light, hot/cold, awake/sleep, life/death and all so called opposites that are actually a unified field flowing in, around and through infinity. There are no real opposites, only interconnected poles of movement from one extreme to another and . . . we are all a part of it.
It’s been said that the wind is part of us as it gathers and remembers our voices to send them through the trees, leaves, flowers and fields. This metaphor speaks to the awareness of our interconnectivity with everyone and everything. How are you giving yourself new opportunities to experience the trees, leaves, flowers and fields? How are you using the looking glass of our many electronic devices to awaken new awareness? How are you helping save our natural resources, expanding consciousness and unfettering the silent voices crying out for help?
We’re presently on a trajectory that can take us into a whole new realm of conscious evolution or to a place of unrelenting catastrophe. Imagine what could happen if we’d spend more time in Nature listening attentively to her calls. Imagine spending less time in front of our screens enticing us to buy more, get more, do more. What if we listened to the wind as a messenger from a higher altitude touching us in the very depths of our souls where there’s no conflict, no aggression, no having to prove ourselves? Imagine being more still, more awake, more relaxed, more understanding, more loving, more calm and centered. Might the wind be calling us home?
The Summer Solstice is here again to help us remember our interconnectivity with greening and growing, with new possibilities and potentialities coming into being through us, for us and the whole of creation. It mirrors the miracles of manifesting darkness and light, fear and love, grief and joy, apathy and revelation. It asks us to paint new pictures on the canvas of our awareness; to create new realities that honor the whole of creation. It wants us to awaken from our sleep, expand our consciousness, respect the dignity of creation and enlighten up. What do you say?
*At the depth of your soul there is no conflict. Stop and drop into this depth. Let it teach you through the wind, rain, flowers and stillness; the manifestations of all creation that are coming and going, ebbing and flowing, here and now, ever embracing Life’s ongoing cycles.
*Reflect on the kind of awareness that’s necessary to tap into this summer season of soul and what it might ask or even require of you here and now as you keep learning how. . . .
*Reflect on the Spirit of Life that’s here, there and everywhere within and without, no doubt!
F. W. Rick Meyers+