St. Joseph Episcopal Church

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August Inspiration

The power of imagination

makes us infinite.

-John Muir-

As I sit pondering this last month of summer, I find myself imagining the inspiration of  engaging  something wonderful that could radically change me, my family, my surroundings and the world. Within this power of imagination everything seems relative, yet within my grasp. I notice the leaves on the trees in these dog days of August and realize that in a month or so they will begin to turn from green to red, gold, orange and eventually be on the ground as humus to greet the coming cold and winter snow.

These thoughts in themselves fire my imagination to the infinite possibilities there are in any given day on this glorious and mysterious planet we call Home. Imagine what it takes to create the four seasons with the trillions of interactions that keep the balance and harmony within the ecological systems. Ponder how we humans ignore the interconnecting nature of all our relations with these visible and invisible systems. Reflect on the mystery of what it takes to create these diverse miracles of Life we take for granted and hardly notice.

August is inspiring me to imagine the infinite wisdom and creativity that caused this fragile earth, our island home, to be created. It’s also inspiring me to recognize that we are not just residents but stewards of this bountiful and beautiful habitat. To recognize we are part of the wholeness rather than apart from it demands an awareness that we had before we got lost and forgot the interconnectivity of everything that is. What new power of imagination would help us to become more conscious, to care and co-create with the generative spirit of Life again?

What small adjustments could we make to become better stewards of this blue marble traveling through space? What small actions could we engage to enhance the inner awareness of humanity at this time in our lives? What ‘leaves’ do we need to shed as summer ends and autumn begins and, what if the most significant difference we could  make was simply to become more wise and understanding? Would that be enough? Would it make a difference and if so, why would we not make this change in awareness?

As we walk through this interactive human life, it seems we’re always wanting someone else to change rather than looking at what we need to change individually within ourselves. When I get angry with something ‘out there’ and not give attention to what’s going on ‘in here,’ I miss the opportunity to transform the world through me: I miss the gift of inspiration that shows me my own lessons that still need to be learned. I rationalize and forget to remember that nothing changes until it changes within me.

As John Muir’s above quote says: The power of imagination makes us infinite. So, what are you imagining in this season of soul? What images are being shaped in your heart, mind, hands, feet and voice? What images are you feeling and sensing that bring Life to Life for you? What inspirational thoughts can you imagine that will make a difference in your life and in the lives around you that are positive and generative? What gifts have you hidden that want to emerge through you at this time in your life, no matter what?

We live in a time of great growth and change, and the infinite power of imagination can create both positive and negative opportunities to create a world that resonates with both harmony and discord. The choice is up to us individually and collectively. Now, in this month of August, imagine beyond imagination something you can initiate that will change your world. Imagine a new attitude that inspires and fires your imagination and that of others. Imagine being a tree letting go of what’s unnecessary in the coming season to let come what’s necessary beyond it. Be the gift, the inspiration. Be the flowing river, the rooting tree. What do you see?

  • This week spend some significant time in nature and listen to what the trees, birds, earth, rocks, clouds, breeze and streams of water have to say to you. Recognize the finite and infinite within the whole creation and awaken to the seeds  being sown in you. . . .

  • When you find yourself complaining or feeling down this week, open yourself to the power of imagination. Imagine the wonder, wealth and wisdom that’s here inside you and everything you see. Don’t rationalize, simply see through the illusion of confusion and be inspired by the infinite possibilities that are always here within and without. . . .

  • Recognize this week that Summer is rapidly coming to an end and Autumn is right behind. Ponder these days and ask: “What are these moments of Summer asking of me?” Discover the power of imagination that can awaken infinity in you. Remember Alice in Wonder-LAand and how you might be her. . . . Hmm. . . .


Fr. Rick+