
One of the best ways to get connected with our community at St. Joe's is to join one of the many groups. We know that people are different, so we've got a number of different programs and ministries designed for varied age groups, interest or gender. Some are social, some educational, some spiritual, or all 3.  Please check our Upcoming Events page or Event Calendar for event details.

Vestry members are elected from the congregation yearly to serve in 3 year terms.  Vestry members are elected by the parish at the Annual Meeting in December or January.  They oversee the different areas of our communal life and are the legal representatives of the church.  The Vestry meets once a month on the 4th Tuesday.  

Adult Faith Formation
Classes are offered each Sunday from September through May.... and sometimes in the summer .... and sometimes on Wednesday evenings or Wednesday afternoons.  We endeavor to cover a wide range of interesting topics. The Sunday bulletin has specific information. Occasionally there will be special presentations from parishioners who do mission work to theological conversions. Drop-ins are welcome. 

Altar Guild
Our mission is to prepare and promote a spiritual place for various services directed by the Rector and other worship communities, while strengthening our relationship to God and seeking to be in God's presence in all that we do. We perform this by weekly cleaning of the altar area and being responsible for Sunday Services. The altar flowers are also part of our ministry. A sign up sheet is available in the Parish Hall so parishioners may give in memory, thanksgiving or celebration of life's events. 

Congregational Care
As a Christ centered community we are called to “Love one another.” In John 13:34. Jesus gave us a new commandment, “Just as I have loved you, you also should love one another.” As a community we are going to care for the parishioners of St. Joseph in prayer and in action by seeking and serving Christ in each person. Caring Ministers have been specifically trained. These caring ministers will help their brothers and sisters in Christ by coordinating meals, transportation, support, and visits to those in our congregation in need. Eucharistic Visitors (E.V.s) take the sacraments to those parishioners who are unable to be with our community for Sunday morning services. Prayer Chain members are committed to praying, in confidence, for those who are ill or experiencing any kind of difficulty or need.  

Building & Grounds
The Building and Grounds Ministry consists of a group of people, led by the Jr. Warden,  who has an interest in maintaining, conserving and improving the church building and the beautiful piece of property where our church building sits.  The vision to look to the future and plan for generations to come is a privilege awarded to this group.

Community Life
One of the highlights of our life together are the "No Agenda Meals." They are a time when we gather to simply share each other's company with no church business conversation. We have had a German meal, a High Tea and others. Different groups in the church are the hosts but everyone pretty much pitches in to help.  

Lay Eucharistic Ministers (L.E.M)
Assist during worship by administering the chalice. They are trained by the rector and licensed by the diocese.  Any confirmed/received member of the community over 16 may apply.

Eucharistic Visitors (E.V.)
Another licensed ministry to those members who are over 16, confirmed/received and have the rector’s approval to take consecrated sacrament from the Sunday worship to those members of the congregation who, by reason of illness or infirmity, are unable to be present at the celebration.

Legacy Society
Our St. Joseph Legacy Society exists to encourage all parishioners to include St. Joseph in their wills or some other financial instrument (life insurance policy, retirement plan, stocks, etc.) - the proceeds of which will be given to St. Joseph at the time of their death. This is commonly known as planned giving and will help ensure that we are here to serve the community for decades to come. 

Ushers and Counters and Greeters
In their once-a-month duties as ushers & greeters, these people at St. Joseph play an important role in each service. The major duty for greeters is to be a friendly face for folks coming up the work.  There are two major duties for the ushers during each service: pass the collection plates to those in attendance before presenting them at the altar and usher those in attendance up to the altar rail at the proper time to receive communion. The ushers give the collection plates to the counters who record donations and make proper bank deposits. Counters serve once a month.  

Finance of St. Joseph Episcopal Church, in part,

  • reviews, on a monthly basis, the financial statements to assure accuracy and to monitor proper use of church funds,

  • gives advice and assistance to the Vestry with respect to budget and finance, and

  • prepares, in conjunction with the Treasurer, a proposed budget for the coming year.

The group functions under the governing documents of St. Joseph Episcopal Church and the Manual of Business Methods in Church Affairs of The Episcopal Church. If you are interested in being involved in this group, please contact either the Rector or the chair of Finance, Yvonne Slifka.