Who We Are
Who are we?
The Episcopal Church (http://www.ecusa.anglican.org) is the American branch of the worldwide Anglican communion, whose roots are in the Church of England. The Anglican communion consists of approximately 70 million people in 164 countries. The word “Episcopal” comes from the Greek word “episkopos” meaning bishop. We are a church that is presided over by bishops. There are about 2.5 million Episcopalians in the U.S.
What do we believe?
We believe that God loves every human being and placed within each person a homing beacon, a longing in the soul to have a relationship with God. Through Jesus, God became visible and totally accessible. Through Jesus, we find our way home to God. Life in Christ is a rich experience, full of joy, challenges, reality, and deepening union with God. Our fundamental faith statement is expressed in the Creed which we proclaim together when we gather as people of God.
What style of church is St. Joseph?
Our style is: inclusive, warm, open, nonjudgmental, spiritual. These are just a few of the words that describe what we do best at St. Joseph. Also, we tend to be laid back and informal. You can expect to see people of all ages wearing anything from jeans and casual shirts to suits, ties, and dresses. Dress however you feel comfortable as you enjoy the service.
Where and when do we meet?
We meet at 11202 W. Jewell Ave in Lakewood. Sunday worship service starts at 10 am in the sanctuary during the colder season and 9:30am outside when weather permits.
Why do we attend St. Joseph?
One word would sum it up: Relationships. Our focus is on developing our relationship with God and with one another. The people of St. Joseph church offer everyone the opportunity to be part of our caring family. We believe that there’s more to life than meets the eye. There’s something incredible that happens when a person asks Jesus to be part of their life. There’s a warm feeling from deep within and a difference in your heart, but more importantly, a higher purpose for life. We would like everyone to experience this hope and the love of Jesus Christ. It’s our desire to see people make that choice for themselves.
Do you offer child care?
We have a nursery that is available for parents who choose to be with their child/children in that space. Children really are welcome in worship. We have created a child friendly area in the Nave.
What can I expect when I visit?
We ask that you arrive 10 minutes before the service starts to allow us time to acquaint you with our building and our service. You will be greeted near the entrance of the church. Our Greeters will supply you with information, answer your questions and escort you to the Sanctuary. We want to make your visit stress free, so you may enjoy the service. If you are new to Episcopal liturgies, our Sunday Bulletin will lead you through the service with prayers and hymns listed according to the Book of Common Prayer and the Hymnal. Ask questions – someone will have the answer or be able to find it for you.
Everyone is welcome at God's table to receive the Holy Eucharist when visiting with us. When you kneel or stand at the Altar Rail, place one hand over the other to receive the bread which has been dipped in wine into your open palm. If you prefer to receive a blessing, cross your arms across your chest.
A Prayer of Thanksgiving For St Joseph Church
(written by vestry person, Pam Hajny)
For our multigenerational Christian community; for the old and the young, the quiet and outspoken, the staff and lay people, leaders and followers, spirit-filled and action-oriented, and all the diversity, energy, support and perspectives on faith brought together here by these people of all ages.
We thank you, Lord.
For our growing spiritual life as our faith journeys meander together and on our own toward a more complete understanding of God.
We thank you, Lord.
For opportunities to worship, together on Sundays and in bits of time at meetings and alone. For our priest and deacon, choir and organist, acolytes and readers, and all who contribute to those rich worship experiences.
We thank you, Lord.
For opportunities to learn together, in formal teachings and by sharing experiences, applying scripture, reason, and tradition in new ways. For the people who organize and contribute to that learning.
We thank you, Lord
For opportunities to care for your people, in our families, the church, and the larger community, and for the people who support and act on that caring through our ministry communities.
We thank you, Lord.
For this holy place, the sanctuary and roof and yard and walls and labyrinth and classrooms and office space and nursery and parish hall and sheds and kitchens and all the pieces and parts that need our care as they provide us a place to worship, study, and serve.
We thank you, Lord.
For everyone who comes through these doors, for the welcome they receive, and for the people who make them and us feel welcome.
We thank you Lord
Love is what we believe
Buddha was not a Buddhist
Jesus was not a Christian
Mohammad was not a Muslim
They were teachers who taught Love
Love was their Religion
~an anonymous wise person~