Upcoming Events

Quilt Creation by Nancy Booth

Knot Just Knitting

January 22nd It's NOT just knitting!

We quilt, crochet, embroider, color, paint, mend and chat. Join us every 2nd and 4th Wednesday afternoon in the library downstairs: St. Joseph's get-together for crafting and chatting. Join us from 1pm - 3pm.

Virtual Labyrinth Walk

Legacy Labyrinth Project’s Labyrinth Activist Network is embarking on a 2025 journey to create a future we want to see. Through our free virtual labyrinth walk events, our goal is to change your life and the world by walking labyrinths with an intention. Be sure to register!

Genealogy 101

Our next class will be March 1 at 10:00

Connecting an Ancestry DNA match to the family tree appears hopeless, but patience pays off, as we track a relative born in 1757 in Connecticut, through Vermont, and then into Canada.  Another great story to add to the family narrative.
Solving one DNA match leads to another, and yet another.  Using MyHeritage DNA matches and the useful chromosome browser.

Image by Freepik

Letters of Paul

Join us March 9, 2025 at 11:30 am. Paul is returning to Corinth, when he learns that the church there has once again united behind him. Paul is elated, and with the churches he founded in Greece and Asia in good hands, Paul looks west to Rome and then Spain. With renewed vigor, Paul drafts his letter to the Romans, the topic of our next class. To glimpse Paul's euphoria, read Chapter 16 first, the last chapter, whereby Paul lists all the people to greet and those who are sending their greetings. The long list of both men and women reveals the breadth of the growing church.

Though Paul's letter to the Romans has many avenues to explore, Anglican bishop N. T. Wright wrote: "What nobody doubts is that we are here dealing with a work of massive substance, presenting a formidable intellectual challenge while offering a breathtaking theological and spiritual vision."

Image by wirestock on Freepik

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Calendar of Future Events


Calendar events in GREEN are located at St. Joseph

Calendar events in RED are held at other locations