Outreach Ministries
Outreach Ministries are an important aspect of St. Joseph Episcopal Church; these are opportunities for us to work together to provide support and fellowship to many in need outside of our church. The Outreach Community coordinates many of these activities, but other communities, such as the Youth Group, also actively work “Outside Our Walls.”
Outreach Community
This group of parishioners works together to plan outreach activities. Our philosophy is to coordinate with existing organizations that are doing good work. We meet on the 1st Monday of most months. Talk with Rev. Dr. Rick Meyers or call the church office if you are interested in joining us.
Habitat for Humanity
St. Joseph Church is a partner in Jeffco Interfaith Partners, a coalition of ten faith organizations. (https://jeffcointerfaithpartners.org) Our mission is to support Habitat for Humanity - Metro Denver build and repair affordable housing. Our main fund raiser is operating two Pumpkin Patches, one in Lakewood and one in Arvada. It quite the enterprise, as we annually sell three semi- trucks worth of pumpkins to young and old trick or treaters. Each year we are also privileged to work along side the new homeowners building their new home. Anyone over the age of 16 is welcome. Peter von Hemert, is our Habitat coordinator.
Family Promise
Family Promise is an organization that provides housing, meals, job search support, and transportation in an effort to help homeless families get back on their feet. St. Joseph provides Friday dinner. We work with Shepherd of the Hills Presbyterian Church, which provides shelter for the week and coordinates with other churches, like us, for food and other volunteer needs. Contact Leslie Peterson for more info,
St. Clare’s Ministries
This Diocesan Jubilee Ministry supports 100 and 150 homeless and low-income people each week at the Episcopal Church of St. Peter and St. Mary. Currently this ministry is distributing donated clothing to those in need. Your donations may be placed in the bin by the kitchen pantry. If you would like to help, talk with Andy or Yvonne Slifka.
Collections for Community & Diocesan Groups
St. Joseph Church supports a few programs through donations of food, school supplies and clothing throughout the year. We have collection bins at both entrances to the Church and at the east entrance of the Parish Hall where parishioners can place items which are then delivered to the organizations. The focus of the monthly collection is shared through the Church newsletter and Weekly Bulletin, and is also noted on signs near the bins.
The Action Center
This “human services nonprofit organization, provides an immediate response to basic human needs and promotes pathways to self-sufficiency for Jefferson County, Colorado residents and the homeless.” Throughout the year we conduct specific collections. Some examples of these have focused on non-perishable food items, school supplies, and diapers.
St. Francis Center
We designate times to collect clothing for the St. Francis Center.